Friday, October 27, 2006

Autumn in Connecticut

Autumn in Connecticut, originally uploaded by DMBFreakNo41.

More foliage shots...i saw on the news we are officially "past peak" in CT, this shots getting some attention on Flickr...i dig the way it turned out.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Shake It Off

Shake It Off, originally uploaded by DMBFreakNo41.

So i'v submitted this photo to JPEG Magazine. The theme is "embrace the blur..." basicly, photos that are cool because/even though they are blurry. You can vote for it to be in the issue by clicking on this link

if it gets picked i win $100, an issue of the mag i get published in, and a cool lens for my camera.

Oh ya, so this picture is my pups Harley after submerging himself in a little river at the dog park. Next to him on the left is his best bud Houston. My little guy is getting so big!

Monday, October 16, 2006

Autumn Evening in Connecticut

Ahhhhhh, its Fall once again, and the leaves are changing, some sort of crazy magic nature thing. Go check my photos set for Autumn '06...iv been taking some sweet pics of those majestic colors we get to see every year here in New England. pssh, and to think people live where this doesnt happen.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Stop! 3-Way ahead!

Stop! 3-Way ahead!, originally uploaded by DMBFreakNo41.

It took me SO long to get the last blog up, that i'll blog two. Look for more pics from this photo's series soon. It was wicked foggy out so i went up and down my street and took some cool shots that i havent had a chance to uoload yet, but i go this one up quickly just for the sake of seeing somthing.


Gobo-tacular., originally uploaded by DMBFreakNo41.

Holy Shit! Bryan finally blogged a new photo!!! OMG!!! Ya, i know i'v been pitfully busy... quite a week. I havent had time to shoot, or upload or anything. But im finally getting a breather now, so look for TONS of pics to go up on Flickr. This is a shot i grabbed with my cameraphone during the load in for Johnny Guitar. My plot with a gobo on it. The dichroics on it kick ass. If you click it and get the bigger view on flickr you can see my plot more clearly...makes the shot that much coooooler.